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My purpose is to guide you throughout pregnancy, birth and motherhood.

I am here to support you and hold your hand through your questions, your doubts and your whole journey.​​​


Our offerings have been created to provide you with insightful information while helping you make decisions, with no judgement. I can help you explore your options. I want to empower you with additional resources to feel confident in your choices through pregnancy, birth and early motherhood.

What we offer

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Be real birthing package

The families who approach the birth of their child with curiosity, honesty and the courage to do hard things are the rockstars of my birth world. 


Every pregnancy is different and every birth is a unique experience.

Childbirth is a transformational journey. Beautiful, yet intense. Exciting yet uncertain. It is a time of many different emotions. This is why in many cultures around the world, a pregnant woman will always have somebody of trust to count on. Sometimes family, but usually a dedicated professional with birthing wisdom to share.  A doula.

The presence of a trusted doula is much sought after by birthing families. To not only support them through the intense moments but to be there for them from conception to postpartum.  Creating a safe and trusting environment, being of service should anything be of need.

A doula isn't there to influence your choices.

I am there to hold space for you to feel heard and valued. YOU are the expert in YOUR birth. Positive childbirth is about you feeling respected, informed and supported. One of the most rewarding things I will ever hear as a doula, no matter how the birth turned out, is “I felt powerful!”.

It is natural to feel fears, to have questions, to feel unsure. The safe space we create together allows you to be honest about these feelings and work through them in preparation. To prepare your body, mind, and spirit.

I invite all families to take a deep look at the choices they are making and see how in-tune with their birth philosophy they are.

Have you asked yourself what your birth philosophy is?

Your hospital and care provider will have policies for your birth, but what are YOUR policies for YOU? 

What do you need to learn about birth? What do you know about the system that you will be birthing in? What do you want to discover about the other people involved in your care? What more do you need to understand about your own beliefs and values?

No matter what type of birth you are planning, it is your ability to reset at each twist or turn that is important!

It's okay to speak up about what matters to you. You have the right to say "no" or to ask questions or ask for more time. Do you have the courage to change your mind? Are you willing to prioritise your needs and learn from the experience?

Birth is big and unpredictable.

Birth can bring you to your knees and then make your heart soar. Being active through your choices and actions gives you the power to influence how you feel about your child's birth.

​Are you ready to be accountable?


​Includes ~


An introductory Clarity Session to interview me, ask any questions, get clear on your needs, birth values and decide if we are a good fit to work together.  This session also gives you a personal action plan to start working towards your best birth. 


Two (2) face-to-face coaching sessions during your pregnancy to build a trusting relationship with your family.​

  • Build your labour coping skills and techniques, relieve stress and concerns and work towards your birth time goals. 

  • Together we will develop your written birth plan and practice your self-advocacy skills.

  • Additional visits can be arranged for me to attend your care-provider appointments with you if you need advocacy support.


Full email and phone support during your pregnancy.

  • Especially useful to answer questions, talk through frustrations and concerns and reduce fear.

  • Get links to the latest research or referrals to allied practitioners.


Immediate postnatal support to welcome your baby earthside ~ 2 hrs.

  • Celebrate your momentous achievement

  • Protect your golden hours 

  • Support to initiate baby's first feed

  • Physical and emotional support during any immediate medical care required

  • Ensure you are comfortable for me to leave you to enjoy your special family moments.

I will stay longer if you or baby have a medical need and are separated so that you aren't alone.


One (1) postnatal visit to see how you are settling in, debrief your birth experience, provide newborn education and make sure your parenting journey is off to the best start possible.


Two (2) optional bonus face-to-face visits.  You choose whether you would like these during your pregnancy or as additional postnatal support.  That's up to twenty (20!!) hours of solid support from me in the comfort of your own home over the five visits available to you and your family.


Free access to my extensive library of pregnancy, birth and parenting books and resources that you can borrow at any time during our work together.


Free access to my baby-wearing library.  Borrow a sling or wrap to try out and see what works best for your family before you spend money on something that doesn't work.


Postnatal meal-train coordination between your family and friends so you can have a few nights off cooking once baby is here.  Let your network support you!


Continued email support for your first year with baby.  Perfect for when you have any questions, would like some links to other support services or just want to stay in touch. 
​I love to see how you and your baby are going!

Clarity Coaching Session

Birth Clarity sessions are a once-off coaching session either for families who want support to go through their birthing options and make a birth plan, a single prenatal session or for families who are interested in hiring me as their doula.

They give you a taste of how I work with birthing families, but there is no pressure to hire me as your doula after your session.  If you do choose to hire me as your doula, then your Clarity Session investment is deducted from my doula fee - winning!

We will meet in a space where you feel safe to discuss your questions, hopes and fears surrounding your pregnancy, birth and postpartum. This could be a library, cafe or even over Skype.
It's always a bonus if our meeting spot serves fantastic chai!

We'll drill down and uncover what is most important to you for this birth.  Are you unsure about which care provider to choose?  Are you confused about the information you've been given or what support you're going to need during and after birth? Let's get your unknowns sorted with well-researched resources.

And then we'll go deeper!

Each session usually goes for between 2-4 hours.  It's important stuff, let's not rush it.  You are worth the time!

It is very common for a few tears to come during our session.  This can be an emotional experience, especially if you have had a difficult birth before.  Please bring a couple of tissues with you and plan for some self-care afterwards.

You'll leave your session with a summary of all we've discussed and several specific actions for you to start working on straight away.  You can keep refining your clarity document with your partner and make changes to it as needed.  You'll also get some homework to develop your own birth philosophy further.

I provide follow up support on the phone to check in on your progress and answer any questions.  I'm here for you.

Suitable for all types of birth​​ - homebirth, c-section, VBAC, waterbirth, freebirth, hospital birth, induction, you name it .

Pre natal and post partum package

I will provide you with information, knowledge, resources, emotional and physical support.

-I am here to hold your hand and guide you through the pre natal stages among any big or small challenges that may arise.

-Post partum support ; includes meals, books and lots of emotional / physical support for you and bub enabling rest so you can connect with your baby and partner in the most precious times-Loving, gentle company accompanied by knowledge and insight in these special, vulnerable days



My primary role as your Doula will be to provide: 


  • Education to help you make confident birth choices

  • Continuity of support and care

  • Advice on good nutrition and stretching 

  • Suggest different labour and birthing positions

  • Provide natural pain relief methods

  • Reassurance and encouragement with positive affirmations

  • Breathing and relaxation techniques

  • Working through emotional blocks as they present

  • Maintain the special “birthing environment

  • Massage and acupressure points

  • Support for the birth partner so they can take a break without feeling guilty or anxious

  • Help you to prepare a simple but effective birth plan

  • Take photos when appropriate (if it is not impacting on my role to support you as your Doula)

  • Extensive resources and library

  • Email and phone support

Birthing affirmations


"Staying connected and getting reconnected feeds the flow of goodness, which empowers our humanity. There is a depth to life which only comes from our connection to other people."

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