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Birth Clarity sessions are a once-off coaching session either for families who want support to go through their birthing options and make a birth plan, a single prenatal session or for families who are interested in hiring me as their doula.

They give you a taste of how I work with birthing families, but there is no pressure to hire me as your doula after your session.  If you do choose to hire me as your doula, then your Clarity Session investment is deducted from my doula fee - winning!

We will meet in a space where you feel safe to discuss your questions, hopes and fears surrounding your pregnancy, birth and postpartum. This could be a library, cafe or even over Skype.
It's always a bonus if our meeting spot serves fantastic chai!

We'll drill down and uncover what is most important to you for this birth.  Are you unsure about which care provider to choose?  Are you confused about the information you've been given or what support you're going to need during and after birth? Let's get your unknowns sorted with well-researched resources.

And then we'll go deeper!

Each session usually goes for between 2-4 hours.  It's important stuff, let's not rush it.  You are worth the time!

It is very common for a few tears to come during our session.  This can be an emotional experience, especially if you have had a difficult birth before.  Please bring a couple of tissues with you and plan for some self-care afterwards.

You'll leave your session with a summary of all we've discussed and several specific actions for you to start working on straight away.  You can keep refining your clarity document with your partner and make changes to it as needed.  You'll also get some homework to develop your own birth philosophy further.

I provide follow up support on the phone to check in on your progress and answer any questions.  I'm here for you.

Suitable for all types of birth​​ - homebirth, c-section, VBAC, waterbirth, freebirth, hospital birth, induction, you name it .

Clarity Coaching Session

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